
Archive for September 2013

how to make a yahoo account
1 . You should visit yahoo or click here .
2 . If you've followed the steps no one you brought to the page as shown below , then you select create a new account .
The above information in detail you can see below .

My name : It means you fill your own name , first name and last name .

Gender : yahoo cuman Currently there are two sexes, the men and women you can choose one , if your gender does not exist there .... I apologize hihihihihi

Date of Birth : Enter your date of birth along with the month and year.

I live in : If you are living abroad you can meng3 . If you already select create a new account , now you are asked to fill in the data requested by the yahoo . For example, you can see the picture below .
The above information in detail you can see below .
My name : It means you fill your own name , first name and last name .

Gender : yahoo cuman Currently there are two sexes, the men and women you can choose one , if your gender does not exist there .... I apologize hihihihihi

Date of Birth : Enter your date of birth along with the month and year.

I live in : If you are living abroad you

replace the Indonesian state .

Yahoo! and Email Id : You were told to make the id you like the picture above , if you can not try to change the id .

Password: You must fill in the password , this password should be at to remember because it is very important.

Retype password : you have to repeat your password correctly .

Secret question 1 : This question should also be remembered because you forgot your password , you can use the secret question using the forgotten password feature .

Secret question 2 : This question is the same as the first question just different question .

Type the code shown : You must type the code exactly as shown above , bachelor repeat until the correct one .

4 . If you've filled out completely and correctly and select create my account , then you will be taken to a page like the picture below .
5 . Press continue to confirm your yahoo email leveling , and you now have a yahoo email

Medan Listrik & Kuat Medan Listrik

Medan Listrik
Dalam ruang disekitar benda bermuatan listrik A, kita jumpai beberpa gejala. Sebagai contoh benda bermuatan lain B dapat bergerak menjauhi atau mendekati A ( Gambar 1.). Gejala ini disebabkan bekerjanya sutu gaya pada benda bermuatan apa saja yang diletakkan dalam ruang di sekitar benda bermuatan A. Kita sebut gejala dalam ruang di sekitar suatu benda bermuatanlisrik ini medan listrik.

Gambar 1 : gaya yang bekerja pada muatan-muatan yang diletakkan dalam ruang disekitar benda bermuatan A
Jadi Medan Listrik adalah ruang di sekitar benda bermuatan listrik dimana benda-benda bermuatan listrik lainnya dalam ruang ini akan merasakan atau mengalami gaya listriArah Medan Listrik
Arah Medan Listrik
Medan Listrik dapat kita gambarkan dengan garis-garis khayal yang dinamakan garis-garis medan (atau garis-garis gaya listrik). Dapat anda lihat pada gambar 2 dan gambar 3 bahwaaaaa garis-garis medan radial keluar menjauhi muatan positif dan radial kedalam mendekati muatan negative

Kuat Medan Listrik
Kuat Medan Listrik adalah besaran yang menyatakan gaya coloumb per satuan muatan di suatu titik.
Misalnya di titik P, Lihat gambar.

-         Jika titik P di beri muatan , maka muatannya dinamakan muatan penguji (q), dan selalu bermuatan positif
-         Q = Sumber muatan
-         Arah Kuat Medan Listrik (E),  searah dengan arah gaya (F)
Secara matematik kuat medan Listrik dirumuskan :

Karena Besar gaya Columb antara muatan sumber Q dan muatan uji q, maka Rumus Kuat Medan Listrik adalah sebagai berikut :

dengan :  E = kuat medan listrik (N/C)
Q = muatan sumber     (C)
r = jarak muatan uji trhadap muatan sumber (m)
k = konstanta = =9×109 Nm2/C2
ε0 = permitivitas listrik vakum = 8,85 . 10-12 C2/Nm2

How to take money at the ATM machine

1.      Make sure you go to the ATM cash withdrawals, not to the non-cash ATM
2.      Select ATM Machine With Nomination 50,000 or 100,000 depending on your destination
3.      Put your BCA ATM card correctly
4.      Put your ATM PIN correctly through the keypad / PINPAD.
5.      Choose Other Transactions
6.      Select Transaction 'CASH WITHDRAWAL'
7.      Enter the amount of money you want to pull or take out of the ATM by typing a number on the keypad (PINPAD)
8.      Confirmation of the Money
9.      Moderate Withdrawal Transactions Processed
10.  take the money
11.  Take the Receipt Transaction Receipt
12.  Final Confirmation Transaction
13.  Take your ATM card